I love the traditional Gucci logo I still have one of my Mom's from the late 1970's. However, I am holding out with hope upon hope they bring bag the navy Gucci logo bags. I'm just not a brown person.
Although there's always someone on the internet who wants to argue, it's pretty inarguable, in my mind, that Gucci handbags is the hottest major brand in fashion right now, and that extends to its bags. The brand's sales ballooned 49% in the first quarter of 2018, thanks in large part to thee brand's ability to entice younger shoppers.
That's something legacy brands have struggled figuring out exactly how to do over the past five years, and designer Alessandro Michele's facility with it has been a boon to the Italian stalwart.
Michele has done this, in part, by reemphasizing Gucci purses signature logo fabric at just the right time: ostentatious brand signifiers are huge right now, and Gucci's easily recognizable monogramming fits the trend perfectly.
Thankfully for shoppers looking to get into the look, these logo bags are generally less expensive than Gucci's all leather options. Below, we found 20 under $800 from www.salepretty.com